Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Funny guy... that got sick

Well, we have had our first illness. A sinus infection. Luckily mommy's intuition got him to the doctor before it turned into an ear infection. Good old bubble gum amoxicillin. It's amazing how much stuff has changed since our parents raised us, but bubble gum amoxicillin remains the go to drug for treating infections. He has gotten pretty good at eating off of a spoon, though he still gets messy. He also spent his first night away from home. After eating with Meemaw and Papi, Nicole just blurted out, if you want the baby to spend the night with you tonight he can. Prior to this, the thought of him spending a night away, much less an hour and a half away was unthinkable to her. In the words of Clark to cousin Eddie "If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised." I spent the next few minutes in a stupor trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. Then, that night I spent 12 hours sleeping. Talk about a sleep debt. Ok, now for the fun stuff.

We have become much more vocal over the past month or so. I figure everyone is due a happy noise after the Horton incident.

Yes we are now grabbing things. Some, like the Caterpillar are meant to be grabbed. Some things like our bib and burp cloth are ok to grab. It's not really cool when he tries to grab the cloth that covers him up and prevents us from being squirted during diaper changes.

Hello ladies. You will notice in the older pictures, he had that really dark hair that he was born with and was really skinny. He has filled out. The nurse when he went to the Doc this week said he was not even recognizable because he has filled out so well. He has literally (correct usage) doubled in weight since he was born. Also he lost all of that dark hair he was born with, except a ring in the back, and it has filled in with some nice lite colored hair.

Last but not least, breakfast with Papi, in Meridian. No word on what either of them ate, or how many outfits they had both worn to this point in the day. I think everyone involved had a big time. Especially Pugsley, who got his daddy back for almost 24 hours.

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