Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Horton has at least one friend

We have tried to read Horton Hatches the Egg on a number of occasions. The first time we made it to the part where Horton meets the bird. As those of you unfamiliar with the story might suspect, that is pretty early on in the book. Recently, we tried to read it again. The baby laughed at the parts where Horton built a support for the nest, and the bird enjoyed her vacation. But when the hunters came and captured Horton...

Otherwise, things have been pretty fun we started eating rice cereal, with mixed results. The baby and his parents would like to give special thanks to everyone who came to help keep him after Nicole returned to work last week. On Monday we start daycare, and we are going by to visit tomorrow. Here are some pics.

Yes, we have a new toy. This is an activity center with lots of things to do (at least as soon as I can score 9 AAA batteries. Seriously, NINE!). So, until it is complete, he can just dangle in it (his feet don't quite touch) and practice for the baby body building competition on August 17th.

Here is our first cereal face. It's not exactly Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but it adds some excitement to diaper changes.

Taken just today. Baby sleeping on daddy. It makes for a nice afternoon.

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