Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting Bubonic Up in Here

Well we have had quite the time.  The baby had repeated ear infections so even though he wasn't quite eight months old, he needed tubes.  They really do make such a difference.  That afternoon, without the fluid in his ears, he sat up perfectly straight for the first time and hasn't looked back.  He also had a great Christmas and trip to Nashville for the Music City Bowl.  All of that travel got him out of his rhythm.  Right when we got him back to his regular routine, he gave us all plague.  So far his victims have been Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Grandpa, MeeMaw, and Papi.  Hopefully we are over it all.  Right after he seemed to be getting better, he officially got his first tooth.  It's just a sharp jagged part of his gum that is barely noticable to the naked eye, but it's certainly there. Ok, on to the fun. 

Sometimes it takes too long for supper to be ready to eat, so he needs a brief nap.  Last time I posted the first time he fell asleep in the high chair.  This is the second.  He can fall asleep anywhere when he is sleepy enough if you let him, but woe onto you if you don't because when he doesn't have his nap he gets angry.

I thought this was a cute picture.

Sleeping on the changing table .  He started to plump up again once we got him back on his schedule. He was wo bad at eating before we got his tubes in that he dropped to the 17th percentile in weight.  At that point, we all agreed it was time to do something.
This was two weeks ago getting ready to go to church.  It was a warm day and it was made even warmer by a super happy baby.  This time, the buttons went in the back.
Here he is just before he got his tubes in.  They put the gas on him and before you could say Angry Birds, they called us back from the waiting room to say he was done.  About 5 minutes of gas apparently costs more than $500.  So, next time you complain about the price of unleaded, be glad you don't have to run your car on happy gas.

See you again soon.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It has been a while

Ok so, let's keep it real.  Part of the deal with having a baby is that you don't have time to blog about your baby.  Hopefully, the next post won't take as long to drop, but to be honest, who knows?  Mostly we have had a sick baby.  He has really only had a span of about 2 weeks since that September 30 post in which everything was gangbusters.  Otherwise its been ear infections, congestion, bad reaction to medication, and teething.  I cannot remember a time that he wasn't teething.  What a pain.  I am sure it hurts us much more than it hurts him.  Anyway, on with the show...

Yes, just like his father.  A little tie whore in training.  He is super grabby and he loves labels.  I told Nicole instead of buying him Christmas gifts we should just go to the fabric store and pick up some labels as he loves those the most.  I guess he sees a tie as daddy's label.  Daddy doesn't like to be labeled, or to get whiplash from a baby.

Getting ready for Christmas and Epiphany? Well here you go, three wise men.  My face is a little blurry to protect the innocent. Pugsley and the baby have gotten along pretty well.  Just tonight Pugsley was in the baby's face and he died out lauging.  Something else he got from his dad also I guess.  He's a dog man.
This picture was everyone's phone wall paper for some time.  It's a pretty good one at that.  Nothing like a happy baby to help pass the day.
 Thug life.  Getting ready to go out into the frozen Mississippi Tundra.  It was probably 50 degrees out when he first put this on.  As you can tell he is pretty thrilled.  He looks like my little George Costanza in his gore-tex coat.  Totally imaneuverable, but super warm and weather resistant.
 Here he is dressed like Kurt Cobain for Halloween.  I kid...I kid.  This is actually more Barry Bonds.  That syringe contained an oral steroid that we had to give him for croup.  This is the only time he has just fallen asleep in his chair after eating.  I was washing out his bowl and bam, he is a PSA.
Happy Thanksgiving!  Here is our American Indian stereotype in action.  Yes, he is waving bye-bye, thanks for noticing.  He also claps when you say yay and clap.  That's Miss Jackie holding him.  At least Mommy was there to take the pic.
Speaking of taking a pic.  Geeze this took forever.  The Russians in front of us couldn't decide which picture of their surly drunken daughter they wanted to use, so they stood there and stared at the choices for a good 5 minutes while the baby sat in this guy's lap.  They were pretty cool with it.  Anastasia ended up getting back up there after we went, but she never smiled.  Suck it Anastasia.
After the pics with Santa we sat in the Lakeside mall and ate some peaches and let loose a bit.  Gotta come out of those socks.  The baby likes to scream out to hear his own voice and I often scream with him.  However, he doesn't really distinguish between a mall, a restaurant, and the table at home, so we are working on it.

Hopefully I can update this more often, if not, why don't you come keep him for a night and maybe I will have some time to do it. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

Um, you've got a little something right there...

Just a busy life.  We babble, we eat, we have baths, and we sleep.  Although, we generally wake up and need a pacifier a couple times a night.  One night, the baby managed to stick his leg through the bars on his crib.

Being part Italian, the baby already needs a shave.  I kid, I kid.  This is generally what he looks like midway through the feeding proces, at least before we started green beans (see below).

No, I meant further below (there is a video at the bottom).  Here is the exersaucer.  The chameleon in front of the baby turns three colors, red, blue, and yellow, in that order, when you hit it.  Then on the fourth hit is seends  a song that goes "red, yellow, blue."  Now this chameleon is extremely sensitive so it plays a lot.  I am slightly confused as to why the three color song says the colors in a different order than it lights up individually.  Am I over analyzing this? 

Now, this contraption is called a "Johnny Jump Up."  However, it appears that for the near future, it will be used as a "Sit and Hang."  Part wrecking ball, part baby sitter as long as it keeps him happy, I don't really care if he goes off label.

And without further delay, here is a brief snippet from our first attempt at eating green beans.  He actually enjoys them now regardless of how it looks.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Big Boy (delusions of grandeur)

When we started this adventure, the baby was at the very tail end of the dragon, you couldn't even see the word "pie" in "lilypie" so it looked like we named him Lily.  That's not his name of course and he is nearly halfway down the dragon's back.  But if you were to ask him, he would probably be demanding the car keys.  He has gotten to the point where he runs his mouth a good deal of the time.  For those of you who know either or both Nicole and me, you know he comes by that trait honestly.  He thinks he is a big boy.  He wants to control when you put the bottle in his mouth and he is generally not happy unless he is sitting up. 

He also has decided that he is going to get involved in cereal time on a more active basis.  He will only eat his cereal if I am giving it to him and he doesn't like for others to be in the room.  Nicole stayed in the kitchen to long and he wouldn't eat it this evening.  So, I gave him the spoon.  He tried to get it in his mouth, but it mostly ended up in his hair.  When I took it away from him, he pitched a fit.  Now he has a clean spoon to play with whenever we eat cereal.

Here he is sitting up on the couch.  He was flailing, not falling over, that is why it is blurry.  He has his bib on all ready for nachos.

Here we are after tummy time.  He is close to crawling, but hasn't quite figured out how to get his belly up off of the floor.  Generally he tries to move forward and then ends up rolling over.  He gave it the college try, so he got to play with the elephant anyway. 

And there it is.  Times like this are well worth the price of admission.  He may think he is a big boy already, but as long as he is still cranking it in his pants and getting cereal in his hair, he will always be my little boy.  Actually, he probably always will be anyway.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

We've been busy

It's really a Catch-22, the busier you are, the more you have to blog about, but the busier you are, the less time you have to blog about.  People with four month olds are very busy. So let's get into it.

So here we are at Pan-Asia and the baby is awake!  This is always a dangerous situation because one does not know if he is going ot be content sitting and looking at everything going on, or if he is going to be fussy.  He was a little fussy so Nicole took him out.  I thought it was cute so I took this picture and I just love the look on his face.  Shortly, after, literally seconds after, I took this serene photo, he reached out and grabbed the bowl.  Had Nicole not stuck her hand out to stop it, they both would have been covered in create-your-own stir-fry.

What time is it?  Game time.  Here the baby is all decked out for his first real football game.  Well, it was real for him because he fell asleep halfway through the 1st quarter (like his mommy!).  So, the whole time he watched it, it was a close game.  I wonder, how many MSU fans can say the Bulldogs won the first game of their life?  Well apparently I can since we played Memphis 1st in 1981 as well.

Our little guy was also baptised on August 28, 2011, which was also 4 months to the day after he was born.  Here are the "Wearers of the Gown."  The gown in which our baby was baptised was also worn by me, and his Aunt Jessie.

Here is a lovely picture of the baby, us, and his two sets of grandparents.  Grampa, Grammy, MeeMaw and Papi. 

Here we are with the baby's great grandparents.  Of course you already know PawPaw and Grandma officially makes it on the internet!

Finally, back at home, here he is in front of his cake.  He didn't get to eat any of it, but he sure seems to want to do so.  I did; it was good.  His baptism was a wonderful experience and we got lots of help from Grammy, MeeMaw, Aunt Jessie, LT.  It was a great opportunity to celebrate our little man and to make a committment to his future. With all of the people that came to show support for us and him, I know he is off to a great start.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Funny guy... that got sick

Well, we have had our first illness. A sinus infection. Luckily mommy's intuition got him to the doctor before it turned into an ear infection. Good old bubble gum amoxicillin. It's amazing how much stuff has changed since our parents raised us, but bubble gum amoxicillin remains the go to drug for treating infections. He has gotten pretty good at eating off of a spoon, though he still gets messy. He also spent his first night away from home. After eating with Meemaw and Papi, Nicole just blurted out, if you want the baby to spend the night with you tonight he can. Prior to this, the thought of him spending a night away, much less an hour and a half away was unthinkable to her. In the words of Clark to cousin Eddie "If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised." I spent the next few minutes in a stupor trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. Then, that night I spent 12 hours sleeping. Talk about a sleep debt. Ok, now for the fun stuff.

We have become much more vocal over the past month or so. I figure everyone is due a happy noise after the Horton incident.

Yes we are now grabbing things. Some, like the Caterpillar are meant to be grabbed. Some things like our bib and burp cloth are ok to grab. It's not really cool when he tries to grab the cloth that covers him up and prevents us from being squirted during diaper changes.

Hello ladies. You will notice in the older pictures, he had that really dark hair that he was born with and was really skinny. He has filled out. The nurse when he went to the Doc this week said he was not even recognizable because he has filled out so well. He has literally (correct usage) doubled in weight since he was born. Also he lost all of that dark hair he was born with, except a ring in the back, and it has filled in with some nice lite colored hair.

Last but not least, breakfast with Papi, in Meridian. No word on what either of them ate, or how many outfits they had both worn to this point in the day. I think everyone involved had a big time. Especially Pugsley, who got his daddy back for almost 24 hours.