Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Getting Bubonic Up in Here

Well we have had quite the time.  The baby had repeated ear infections so even though he wasn't quite eight months old, he needed tubes.  They really do make such a difference.  That afternoon, without the fluid in his ears, he sat up perfectly straight for the first time and hasn't looked back.  He also had a great Christmas and trip to Nashville for the Music City Bowl.  All of that travel got him out of his rhythm.  Right when we got him back to his regular routine, he gave us all plague.  So far his victims have been Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Grandpa, MeeMaw, and Papi.  Hopefully we are over it all.  Right after he seemed to be getting better, he officially got his first tooth.  It's just a sharp jagged part of his gum that is barely noticable to the naked eye, but it's certainly there. Ok, on to the fun. 

Sometimes it takes too long for supper to be ready to eat, so he needs a brief nap.  Last time I posted the first time he fell asleep in the high chair.  This is the second.  He can fall asleep anywhere when he is sleepy enough if you let him, but woe onto you if you don't because when he doesn't have his nap he gets angry.

I thought this was a cute picture.

Sleeping on the changing table .  He started to plump up again once we got him back on his schedule. He was wo bad at eating before we got his tubes in that he dropped to the 17th percentile in weight.  At that point, we all agreed it was time to do something.
This was two weeks ago getting ready to go to church.  It was a warm day and it was made even warmer by a super happy baby.  This time, the buttons went in the back.
Here he is just before he got his tubes in.  They put the gas on him and before you could say Angry Birds, they called us back from the waiting room to say he was done.  About 5 minutes of gas apparently costs more than $500.  So, next time you complain about the price of unleaded, be glad you don't have to run your car on happy gas.

See you again soon.

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