Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Horton has at least one friend

We have tried to read Horton Hatches the Egg on a number of occasions. The first time we made it to the part where Horton meets the bird. As those of you unfamiliar with the story might suspect, that is pretty early on in the book. Recently, we tried to read it again. The baby laughed at the parts where Horton built a support for the nest, and the bird enjoyed her vacation. But when the hunters came and captured Horton...

Otherwise, things have been pretty fun we started eating rice cereal, with mixed results. The baby and his parents would like to give special thanks to everyone who came to help keep him after Nicole returned to work last week. On Monday we start daycare, and we are going by to visit tomorrow. Here are some pics.

Yes, we have a new toy. This is an activity center with lots of things to do (at least as soon as I can score 9 AAA batteries. Seriously, NINE!). So, until it is complete, he can just dangle in it (his feet don't quite touch) and practice for the baby body building competition on August 17th.

Here is our first cereal face. It's not exactly Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but it adds some excitement to diaper changes.

Taken just today. Baby sleeping on daddy. It makes for a nice afternoon.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Monkey about town

I am knocking on wood as I type this because we have baby that is generally affable. He has had a good time playing, and he loves to smile. His favorite song is probably the ABCs at this point. For the past three weeks or so, he has been locked in a mortal struggle against his hands. He knows they need to be in his mouth, but his hands do not want any part of it. For the first weeks his hands were a force to be reckoned with. However, over the past couple days, the baby has gotten the... well, he's gotten the upper hand. Now after a few seconds of staring intently at said hands, he is able to get part of his fist or finger up to his mouth, by what seems to be sheer force of will alone. Over the past few days we made our first trip to the grocery store, we have gone to two restaurants, and we went to Sunday School and church. He could not have been a better baby while we were out and about.
Cutie pie on aisle 6. When we went to the store, people tried to act like they weren't looking at the adorable little man in my cart. We know the truth.
Hey when you look good, you look good no matter what you are doing. Get ready Sears Portrait Studio, we've got our posing down.
What's that? The Mermaid Cafe is impossible to find? No son, it's not impossible, it's just not easy and nothing easy was ever worth doing ( I might as well start passing on wisdom). This is it, while third chronologically this is the eponymous picture. This pic was taken Friday night at the Mermaid Cafe somewhere in Madison County. It's the first time we have had a table for three.
Our waiter took so long at Nagoya at our first every Sunday lunch out that some of us didn't even make it to the Edamame. That's ok though, his first solid food shouldn't involve sucking a bean out of a pod.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

1st trip to NOLA and 2 months old!

This has been both the fastest and longest two months of my life. I think any parent can appreciate where I am coming from. I had intended to update this blog nearly a week ago, but a screaming baby got in the way. Which screaming baby? This one:
Well yeah its that one just a different version of him. The above photo is I am trying to sleep and I am full, please stop shoving that bottle in my mouth.
We got to go to NOLA for Father Roy's last service as the parish priest for the church Nicole grew up in. The baby got to meet the man himself.
As a note: if your church has a cry room. It is for little babies like ours that don't really have any control over whether or not they cry, not for your 5 year olds you refuse to control. The baby did very well even though a large Lego war was being fought on the pew behind us. I have only been doing this a couple months, but if I didn't want my kid playing with Legos at church, I probably wouldn't bring them to church. Apparently our baby missed out because Father Roy is known for lifting babies up at their baptism Lion King style. It was a good testament to the man that so many people came to his last service and the reception afterwards they couldn't all fit. A refreshing change from the negativity you hear in the news.
And finally on June 28, 2011 we became the proud parents of a two month old. Here is his 1 month old pic and his new one for comparison.
Yeah, I can't really tell the difference either (the first one is the new one).