Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 22, 2011

More fun

Well, he has been awake a lot more recently. We already have him practicing for the Little Mr. Sunshine Pageant.

He was very alert when I changed his diaper and his clothes the other day. It is really fascinating. He knows he has hands, he can see them, but right now he basically only uses them to fill his gaping maw. Just think how amazed he will be when he finds out they are really much more useful.

Its also really funny which things he just absolutely hates. It does not really have any rhyme or reason. He doesn't really mind being in his car seat. I put him in it a lot and put it on the table while I get supper ready. However, his swing, which is basically a car seat on a rotating arm, caused him to lose it. I mean, screaming like he was being dropped into hot oil (like baths used to be). Since he screams when he is still, we started out giving him the juice (it only goes up to 6 not 11). After some more screaming, with classical music playing in the background, we eventually settled on setting 1 and womb sounds. He likes the classics I guess. This is a pic of mommy and Pugsley watching the baby swing. Pugsley, for what it is worth, is scared to death of the swing.

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