Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 30, 2011

1 Month Old & 1st Camping Trip

One month old! My where has it gone? Time and diapers have just flown by. Here he is with a stuffed animal. See this is a good way to show how much he has grown because while he gets bigger, the stuffed animal won't. I know what you are thinking. "Wow that's super clever!" It is, but we didn't think of it first. Lots of people have done this before us. Still, they didn't have such a cute baby. He was our addition.
Speaking of diapers... Here we are either just before or just after a diaper change. What's so special about this one? Its because we are camping!!! The baby enjoyed being out in nature and everyone enjoyed having him around. It's not easy to eat and hold a baby, but lots of people tried.
Here is the baby and his PawPaw, or is it great PawPaw? (he didn't need a new baby to make him a great PawPaw in my book). At any rate, his little onsie says "There's a new sheriff in town." So criminals and people that need to be served process watchout!
But how can he be the new sheriff in town when he is obviously a smooth criminal? Somebody call internal affairs. Annie, are you ok? This was on his way out to camp the first time. No sun or mosquitoes for our baby.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

More fun

Well, he has been awake a lot more recently. We already have him practicing for the Little Mr. Sunshine Pageant.

He was very alert when I changed his diaper and his clothes the other day. It is really fascinating. He knows he has hands, he can see them, but right now he basically only uses them to fill his gaping maw. Just think how amazed he will be when he finds out they are really much more useful.

Its also really funny which things he just absolutely hates. It does not really have any rhyme or reason. He doesn't really mind being in his car seat. I put him in it a lot and put it on the table while I get supper ready. However, his swing, which is basically a car seat on a rotating arm, caused him to lose it. I mean, screaming like he was being dropped into hot oil (like baths used to be). Since he screams when he is still, we started out giving him the juice (it only goes up to 6 not 11). After some more screaming, with classical music playing in the background, we eventually settled on setting 1 and womb sounds. He likes the classics I guess. This is a pic of mommy and Pugsley watching the baby swing. Pugsley, for what it is worth, is scared to death of the swing.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

3 Weeks Old!

This has been the fastest three weeks of my life. The baby is doing great, he is eating pretty well and sleeping through the night, other than feedings, about four days out of the week (although the statistical sample is too low for that number to be entirely accurate). He had his first set of professional pictures taken yesterday. Thanks to Aunt Jessica for coming over to help get him ready. As soon as those pics are ready, I will include a link to go see them. I am working on video editing so I can start posting some videos on here. No rants, no political opinions, just baby for this blog.

He was born April 28, 2011. I put his stats on the very first post. He was "grunting" and working really hard to breathe so he did not get to come straight to the room. He was first kept in the well-baby nursery for observation, then they decided to hook himwhile a up to a constant monitor to keep up with his breathing. This meant he had to spend some time in the NICU. Luckily, he did not have to be put on oxygen or a CPAP and was only hooked to monitoring equipment (and a little IV for some antibiotics). He was only in the NICU for about 1 1/2 days and then on Sunday May 1, 2011 we got to take him home. We were being discharged while a prayer was being said for him at church... Well it worked. Since he has been home, he has been exactly what you want from a baby - eat, poop, sleep. Sometimes he does all three at once, what a multi-tasker. In fact, I had intended to write much more in this entry but it is nearly 10 pm and its time to feed him.