Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It has been a while

Ok so, let's keep it real.  Part of the deal with having a baby is that you don't have time to blog about your baby.  Hopefully, the next post won't take as long to drop, but to be honest, who knows?  Mostly we have had a sick baby.  He has really only had a span of about 2 weeks since that September 30 post in which everything was gangbusters.  Otherwise its been ear infections, congestion, bad reaction to medication, and teething.  I cannot remember a time that he wasn't teething.  What a pain.  I am sure it hurts us much more than it hurts him.  Anyway, on with the show...

Yes, just like his father.  A little tie whore in training.  He is super grabby and he loves labels.  I told Nicole instead of buying him Christmas gifts we should just go to the fabric store and pick up some labels as he loves those the most.  I guess he sees a tie as daddy's label.  Daddy doesn't like to be labeled, or to get whiplash from a baby.

Getting ready for Christmas and Epiphany? Well here you go, three wise men.  My face is a little blurry to protect the innocent. Pugsley and the baby have gotten along pretty well.  Just tonight Pugsley was in the baby's face and he died out lauging.  Something else he got from his dad also I guess.  He's a dog man.
This picture was everyone's phone wall paper for some time.  It's a pretty good one at that.  Nothing like a happy baby to help pass the day.
 Thug life.  Getting ready to go out into the frozen Mississippi Tundra.  It was probably 50 degrees out when he first put this on.  As you can tell he is pretty thrilled.  He looks like my little George Costanza in his gore-tex coat.  Totally imaneuverable, but super warm and weather resistant.
 Here he is dressed like Kurt Cobain for Halloween.  I kid...I kid.  This is actually more Barry Bonds.  That syringe contained an oral steroid that we had to give him for croup.  This is the only time he has just fallen asleep in his chair after eating.  I was washing out his bowl and bam, he is a PSA.
Happy Thanksgiving!  Here is our American Indian stereotype in action.  Yes, he is waving bye-bye, thanks for noticing.  He also claps when you say yay and clap.  That's Miss Jackie holding him.  At least Mommy was there to take the pic.
Speaking of taking a pic.  Geeze this took forever.  The Russians in front of us couldn't decide which picture of their surly drunken daughter they wanted to use, so they stood there and stared at the choices for a good 5 minutes while the baby sat in this guy's lap.  They were pretty cool with it.  Anastasia ended up getting back up there after we went, but she never smiled.  Suck it Anastasia.
After the pics with Santa we sat in the Lakeside mall and ate some peaches and let loose a bit.  Gotta come out of those socks.  The baby likes to scream out to hear his own voice and I often scream with him.  However, he doesn't really distinguish between a mall, a restaurant, and the table at home, so we are working on it.

Hopefully I can update this more often, if not, why don't you come keep him for a night and maybe I will have some time to do it.